pub trait IteratingInstrumenter<'a>: Instrumenter<'a> + Iterator {
    // Required methods
    fn set_instrument_mode(&mut self, mode: InstrumentationMode);
    fn add_global(&mut self, global: Global) -> GlobalID;

    // Provided methods
    fn alternate(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn empty_alternate(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn before(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn after(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn semantic_after(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn block_entry(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn block_exit(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn block_alt(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
    fn empty_block_alt(&mut self) -> &mut Self { ... }
Expand description

This trait coincides with the Iterator as instrumentation occurs during Wasm visitation. This trait enables code injection during traversal, thus the Iterator trait is required to be implemented on the structure to inject on. Instructions as defined here.

Required Methods§


fn set_instrument_mode(&mut self, mode: InstrumentationMode)

Sets the type of Instrumentation Type of the current location


fn add_global(&mut self, global: Global) -> GlobalID

Adds a global to the current module and returns the Global ID

Provided Methods§


fn alternate(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Mark the current location to InstrumentAlternate


fn empty_alternate(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Insert an empty alt at the current location Effectively removes the instruction


fn before(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Mark the current location to InstrumentBefore


fn after(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Mark the current location to InstrumentAfter


fn semantic_after(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Mark the current location to InstrumentSemanticAfter


fn block_entry(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Mark the current location to InstrumentBlockEntry


fn block_exit(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Mark the current location to InstrumentBlockExit


fn block_alt(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Mark the current location to InstrumentBlockAlt


fn empty_block_alt(&mut self) -> &mut Self

Insert an empty alt block at the current location Effectively removes the block

Object Safety§

This trait is not object safe.
